Army mottos and sayings

1. "This We'll Defend" - United States Army

2. "No Mission Too Difficult, No Sacrifice Too Great, Duty First" - 1st Infantry Division

3. "Deeds, Not Words" - Royal Army Medical Corps

4. "Swift and Bold" - Royal Tank Regiment

5. "Strike Hard, Strike Sure" - 1st Marine Division

6. "Stand Firm and Strike Hard" - 1st Battalion, 5th Marines

7. "Death Before Dishonor" - US Marine Corps

8. "For Our Country and Our King" - British Army

9. "In Peace, Vigilance. In War, Victory" - Canadian Army

10. "Ready and Forward" - Royal Australian Regiment

Above is Army mottos and sayings.

Sayings and phrases for the ex

1. The past is behind us, the future is ahead.2. Sometimes the hardest goodbyes lead to the best hellos.3. Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it means moving on.4. You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.5. Don't cry because it's over, smile because

Robocop imdb quotes and sayings

Here are some popular quotes and sayings from the movie RoboCop:1. Dead or alive, you're coming with me.2. I'd buy that for a dollar!3. Serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the law.4. Your move, creep.5. I am not a man, I am a machine.6. I'll take that as a yes.7. I'd

Punybookmark sayings

1. A good book is like a bookmark for the soul.2. A bookmark is a reader's best friend.3. Don't judge a book by its bookmark.4. A well-worn bookmark is a sign of a well-loved book.5. Life is like a bookmark, holding our place in the story of time.6. A bookmark is a small reminder of the b

Sayings like an ashtray on a bicycle

Useless as a screen door on a submarine.

Sayings about being a strong black woman

1. I am a strong black woman. I cannot be broken. 2. Black women are the backbone of our communities, resilient and powerful. 3. I rise, I shine, I conquer. I am a strong black woman. 4. Being a strong black woman means embracing my heritage, my strength, and my beauty. 5. I am the epitome

Satanic sayings in latin

1. Ad inferos vocat me2. Mors vincit omnia3. Sanguinem et ignem4. In tenebris lucet5. Daemonium in me habitat6. Ex inferis venio7. Sanguis meus, vita tua8. In nomine diaboli9. Perditio et lux10. Maledictus sit

Talking and listening quotes and sayings

1. To listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear. - Mark Nepo2. The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them. - Ralph Nichols3. The art of conversation lies in listening.

Self exile quotes and sayings

1. Sometimes you have to remove yourself from a toxic situation in order to heal and grow. 2. Exile yourself from negativity and watch how your life transforms. 3. In solitude, we find ourselves. In exile, we find our true strength. 4. Exile is not always a punishment, sometimes it's a necess

Common cowboy sayings

1. Git along, little dogie.2. Happy trails to you.3. Saddle up.4. Ride 'em cowboy.5. Don't squat with your spurs on.6. Save a horse, ride a cowboy.7. Yeehaw!8. Shoot from the hip.9. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.10. Head 'em up, move 'em out.

Funny tombstone sayings halloween kids

1. Here lies Timmy, he finally stopped asking 'Are we there yet?'2. RIP Sarah, she never met a candy she didn't like.3. In loving memory of Billy, who always had a 'boo-tiful' smile.4. Here lies Emily, she danced her way into the afterlife.5. Gone but not forgotten, Tommy - the ultimate tri