Asexual quotes and sayings

1. "I don't need a partner to feel complete, I am whole on my own."

2. "Love is not a requirement for happiness."

3. "My worth is not defined by my relationships."

4. "I am not broken, I am simply asexual."

5. "I am not lacking anything by not experiencing sexual attraction."

6. "My identity is valid, even if it is not understood by others."

7. "Asexuality is a spectrum, and I am proud of where I fall on it."

8. "I am not alone in my asexuality, there is a whole community of us out there."

9. "My value does not come from my ability to be in a romantic relationship."

10. "I am perfectly content with being on my own, I do not need a partner to be happy."

Above is Asexual quotes and sayings.

Daughter to mother sayings

1. A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.2. To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world.3. A daughter is a mother's treasure, a best friend for life.4. No matter how old she may be, sometimes a girl just needs her mom.5. A daughter is a m

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Cute candy bar thank you sayings

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Funny confused sayings

1. I'm not confused, I'm just on a different wavelength.2. I'm so confused, I feel like a cat trying to meow in Spanish.3. I'm as confused as a chameleon in a bag of Skittles.4. I'm more lost than a penguin in the Sahara desert.5. I'm as confused as a squirrel trying to solve a Rubik's cube

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Sayings about my beautiful cat that had passed away

1. Gone but never forgotten, my beautiful cat will always hold a special place in my heart.2. In loving memory of my precious feline companion, your beauty and grace will always be remembered.3. Though you may be gone, your beauty and spirit live on in my memories.4. You brought so much beaut