Ashkenazi jewish sayings

1. "Mazel tov" - Congratulations or good luck

2. "L'chaim" - To life

3. "B'sha'ah tovah" - In a good hour, used to wish someone good luck or success

4. "Tikkun olam" - Repairing the world, a concept of social action and justice

5. "Dayenu" - It would have been enough, expressing gratitude for what one has

6. "Shalom aleichem" - Peace be upon you

7. "Baruch Hashem" - Blessed be God

8. "B'teavon" - Enjoy your meal

9. "Shabbat shalom" - Peaceful Sabbath

10. "Am Yisrael chai" - The people of Israel live

Above is Ashkenazi jewish sayings.

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