Asian accent funny sayings

1. "Confucius say, man who run in front of car get tired, man who run behind car get exhausted."

2. "Me so solly, me no speak Engrish very good."

3. "Why you no risten to me? I very smart, I have Asian accent!"

4. "Me love you long time, just kidding, me love food more."

5. "You want fortune cookie? I give you fortune cookie, but no guarantee fortune true."

6. "In Asia, we no waste food, we eat everything, even the cow's tongue."

7. "Me so Asian, me eat rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

8. "You want to know secret to long life? Eat kimchi every day, it make you strong like bull."

9. "Me no understand why people say Asians good at math, me still use calculator."

10. "Me tell you secret to happiness: eat dim sum and watch Kung Fu movies all day."

Above is Asian accent funny sayings.

Kyle busch sayings

Here are some popular sayings attributed to NASCAR driver Kyle Busch:1. I'm here to win, not make friends.2. I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.3. If you're not first, you're last.4. I don't race to finish second.5. I'm not here to play nice, I'm here to win races.

Jim bowen famous sayings

Jim Bowen, a British television presenter and comedian, was best known for hosting the game show Bullseye. Some of his famous sayings from the show include:1. You can't beat a bit of Bully!2. Super, smashing, great!3. Look at what you could have won!4. Keep out of the black and in the red,

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Fun sayings for being physically active for kids

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Cute light sayings

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Abraham sayings

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