Aussie insult sayings

1. "As useful as a screen door on a submarine."

2. "About as sharp as a bowling ball."

3. "As subtle as a brick to the face."

4. "Couldn't find their way out of a paper bag."

5. "As useless as a chocolate teapot."

6. "About as bright as a burnt out light bulb."

7. "As slow as a wet week."

8. "Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn."

9. "As clueless as a kangaroo in a sandstorm."

10. "About as much use as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest."

Above is Aussie insult sayings.

Self conceited sayings

1. I don't need validation from anyone, I know my worth.2. I'm not conceited, I'm just confident in who I am.3. I'm not arrogant, I'm just aware of my capabilities.4. I'm too fabulous to care about what others think of me.5. I'm not conceited, I'm just comfortable in my own skin.6. I'm no

Sayings on doctore care

1. A good doctor's comforting and reassuring words are sometimes more powerful than the medicines. 2. The best doctor gives the least medicines. 3. The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. 4. A doctor is not only a healer of wounds, but also a comforter of the soul. 5.

My love quotes and sayings

1. You are my heart, my soul, my treasure, my today, my tomorrow, my forever. I love you.2. In your arms, I have found my home. In your eyes, I have found my paradise. In your heart, I have found my love.3. Love is not about how much you say 'I love you', but how much you prove that it's true.

British drink related sayings

1. I'll have a pint of the usual. - A common phrase used when ordering a drink at a pub.2. Cheers! - A traditional British toast said before taking a drink.3. It's my round. - A phrase used to indicate that it's someone's turn to buy a round of drinks for the group.4. I'm gasping for a cuppa.

Sayings for artists

1. Every artist was first an amateur. - Ralph Waldo Emerson2. Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. - Thomas Merton3. Creativity takes courage. - Henri Matisse4. Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. - Edgar Degas5. The purpose of art is wash

Sayings for lovers boyfreld

1. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.2. You are the missing piece to my puzzle.3. I fall more in love with you every day.4. You are my heart's greatest treasure.5. In your arms, I have found my home.6. You are the love of my life, my soulmate.7. With you, I am complete.8. You are my

Catchy music sayings

1. Music is the soundtrack of our lives.2. Where words fail, music speaks.3. Music is the universal language of mankind.4. Life is a song, love is the music.5. Music is the art of thinking with sounds.6. Music is the strongest form of magic.7. Without music, life would be a mistake.8.

Barbershop 2 quotes and sayings

1. A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man. - Vito Corleone2. Life is like a haircut, sometimes you have to trim the dead ends to make room for growth.

Husband and wife love quotes and sayings in urdu

1. شوہر وہ ہے جو بیوی کو ہر مشکل میں ساتھ دیتا ہے اور بیوی وہ ہے جو شوہر کی ہر خواہش کو پورا کرتی ہے۔2. جو شادی کے بعد بھی ایک دوسرے کو پسند کرتے ہیں، وہ واقعی محبت میں مبتلا ہیں۔3. محبت ایسی ہونی چاہیے جو دونوں کو ایک دوسرے کی قدر کرنے پر مجبور کرے۔4. شادی کا مطلب ہے دو دلوں کا ملاپ، دو روحو

Personal love quotes and sayings

1. Love is not about how much you say 'I love you,' but how much you prove that it's true.2. In your arms is where I belong, in your heart is where I'm home.3. Love is a journey that starts with a forever and ends at never.4. You are my today and all of my tomorrows.5. Love is not finding s