Aussie slang sayings about love

1. "She's my sheila" - This means "she's my girlfriend or partner."

2. "He's a real smitten kitten" - This means "he's deeply in love."

3. "I'm head over heels for her" - This means "I'm completely in love with her."

4. "We're as happy as Larry" - This means "we're very happy together."

5. "He's a true blue romantic" - This means "he's a genuine and sincere lover."

6. "She's my better half" - This means "she completes me and makes me a better person."

7. "We're like two peas in a pod" - This means "we're very close and compatible."

8. "He's my dinky-di love" - This means "he's my true and genuine love."

9. "She's my heart's desire" - This means "she's the one I love the most."

10. "We're a match made in heaven" - This means "we're perfectly suited for each other."

Above is Aussie slang sayings about love.

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