Australianisms sayings about love
1. "Mad as a cut snake" - used to describe someone who is deeply in love or infatuated.
2. "Head over heels" - to be completely in love with someone.
3. "Lovey-dovey" - overly affectionate or romantic.
4. "Smitten as a kitten" - to be completely enamored with someone.
5. "Love at first sight" - to fall in love with someone immediately upon meeting them.
6. "Besotted" - to be infatuated or deeply in love with someone.
7. "Puppy love" - a young and innocent type of love.
8. "Love is blind" - the idea that love can make people overlook flaws or imperfections in their partner.
9. "Crazy in love" - to be completely consumed by love for someone.
10. "Heart on your sleeve" - to openly display your emotions and feelings, especially in matters of love.
Above is Australianisms sayings about love.
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