Austrlain slang sayings

1. "G'day mate" - A common greeting meaning "hello friend"

2. "No worries" - A phrase used to indicate that something is not a problem

3. "Fair dinkum" - A term used to confirm that something is true or genuine

4. "She'll be right" - A phrase meaning that everything will be okay or will work out in the end

5. "Strewth" - An expression of surprise or disbelief

6. "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi" - A chant often used to show support for Australia in sports or other events

7. "Chuck a sickie" - To take a day off work pretending to be sick

8. "Ripper" - Used to describe something as excellent or fantastic

9. "Bloody oath" - An expression of strong agreement or affirmation

10. "Dunny" - A slang term for a toilet

Above is Austrlain slang sayings.

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