Autumn sayings with jesus

1. "In every falling leaf, I see the hand of Jesus gently guiding me."

2. "Just as the trees shed their leaves in autumn, Jesus helps me let go of what no longer serves me."

3. "As the colors of autumn change, I am reminded of the beauty of Jesus' love that never fades."

4. "In the crisp autumn air, I feel the presence of Jesus surrounding me with peace and comfort."

5. "Like the changing seasons, Jesus brings renewal and transformation to my life in autumn."

6. "As the harvest season approaches, I am grateful for the abundance of blessings Jesus has provided."

7. "In the falling leaves and changing landscapes of autumn, I see the handiwork of Jesus, the ultimate Creator."

8. "Just as the trees stand tall and strong in the face of change, Jesus gives me strength and resilience in every season."

9. "In the quiet moments of autumn, I hear the whispers of Jesus guiding me on my path."

10. "As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, I find solace in the eternal light of Jesus that never dims."

Above is Autumn sayings with jesus.

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