Avatar sayings

1. "The greatest adventure is what lies ahead."

2. "Believe in yourself and all that you are."

3. "Embrace the journey, not just the destination."

4. "Your vibe attracts your tribe."

5. "Be the energy you want to attract."

6. "Stay wild, moon child."

7. "Find your tribe, love them hard."

8. "The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."

9. "Let your light shine bright."

10. "In a world where you can be anything, be kind."

Above is Avatar sayings.

Pet headstones sayings for cats

1. Forever in our hearts, our beloved feline friend.2. Gone but never forgotten, you will always be purring in our memories.3. In loving memory of our precious whiskered companion.4. A paw print on our hearts, you will be missed dearly.5. Meow in peace, sweet kitty, until we meet again.6.

Festivals sayings

1. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we fast.2. Dance like no one is watching.3. In the rhythm of the dance, we find the music of the soul.4. Let the music guide your feet and the joy in your heart.5. May your days be filled with laughter and your nights with music.6. Celebrate life,

Not the sharpest tool in the shed and other sayings

1. Not the brightest bulb in the box.2. A few fries short of a Happy Meal.3. Not the brightest crayon in the box.4. A few sandwiches short of a picnic.5. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.6. A few cards short of a full deck.7. Not the brightest star in the sky.8. A few screws loose

Beautiful sayings in dutch

1. Schoonheid zit van binnen. (Beauty comes from within.)2. Schoonheid is overal om ons heen, we moeten het alleen willen zien. (Beauty is all around us, we just have to be willing to see it.)3. Echte schoonheid zit in de eenvoud. (True beauty lies in simplicity.)4. Schoonheid is een licht in

Hot weather cool sign sayings

1. Suns out, puns out!2. Stay cool, even in the heat.3. Hot weather, cool vibes.4. Chill out and enjoy the sunshine.5. Sizzle with style.6. Summer state of mind.7. Keep calm and stay hot.8. Sun-kissed and stylish.9. Heat wave, cool phrases.10. Sunny days, witty ways.

Sayings like go against the grain

1. Swim against the current2. March to the beat of your own drum3. Blaze your own trail4. Stand out from the crowd5. Break the mold6. Think outside the box7. Buck the trend8. Color outside the lines9. Run counter to the norm10. Dance to your own tune

Mardi gras quotes and sayings

1. Laissez les bons temps rouler! - Let the good times roll!2. Throw me something, mister! - A common phrase used to ask for beads or other trinkets during Mardi Gras parades.3. Mardi Gras is a state of mind. 4. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we fast. 5. Mardi Gras: the only time of

My world sayings

1. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.2. Actions speak louder than words.3. Where there's a will, there's a way.4. The early bird catches the worm.5. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.6. A penny saved is a penny earned.7. The grass is always greener on t

Funny worm sayings

1. Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.2. You can't teach an old worm new tricks.3. Worm your way out of that one!4. The early worm catches the bird.5. Worms of a feather flock together.6. Don't let the early worm get all the dirt.7. A worm in time saves nine.

Bee valentine sayings

1. Bee mine forever and always.2. You're the honey to my bee.3. You're un-bee-lievably sweet.4. I'm buzzing with love for you.5. You're the queen bee of my heart.6. You make my heart flutter like a bee's wings.7. Our love is the perfect hive.8. You're the pollen to my flower.9. You'