Marine corps sayings latin

Here are some Latin sayings associated with the United States Marine Corps:

1. "Semper Fidelis" - Always Faithful

2. "Semper Fi" - Shortened version of "Semper Fidelis"

3. "Fortes Fortuna Juvat" - Fortune Favors the Bold

4. "Ducit Amor Patriae" - Love of Country Leads Me

5. "Per Mare, Per Terram" - By Sea, By Land

6. "Ad Unum Omnes" - All Together as One

7. "Fidelis et Fortis" - Faithful and Strong

8. "Facta Non Verba" - Deeds, Not Words

9. "Nolite Timere" - Fear Not

10. "Sic Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" - If You Want Peace, Prepare for War

Above is Marine corps sayings latin.

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Boyfriend and girlfriend quotes and sayings

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