Awesome possum similar sayings

1. Cool as a cucumber

2. Sweet as a peach

3. Smooth as silk

4. Happy as a clam

5. Busy as a bee

6. Strong as an ox

7. Quiet as a mouse

8. Sly as a fox

9. Wise as an owl

10. Brave as a lion

Above is Awesome possum similar sayings.

Cool tombstone sayings

1. Here lies a person who lived life to the fullest.2. Gone but never forgotten, forever in our hearts.3. Rest in peace, you will always be remembered.4. In loving memory of a life well lived.5. Forever in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.6. May your spirit soar in eternal peace.7. G

Jasmine big brother sayings

1. I've got your back, no matter what.2. Don't worry, I'll always protect you.3. You can always count on me to look out for you.4. I'll be your rock, no matter the storm.5. I'll always be there to lend a helping hand.6. I'll always support you in chasing your dreams.7. No matter what ha

Great philosophers sayings

1. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates2. I think, therefore I am. - René Descartes3. The unexamined life is not worth living. - Socrates4. To be is to do. - Immanuel Kant5. The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation.

Adoption sayings t shirt

Here are some adoption sayings that could be used on a t-shirt:1. Adoption is love in action.2. Family is not defined by blood, but by love.3. Adoption: the journey of the heart.4. Born in my heart, not under it.5. Adoption is a beautiful way to build a family.6. Love makes a family, not

Grimm sayings

1. The wolf and the fox may run, but the rabbit has eyes behind.2. Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.3. It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.4. No one can be happy in eternal solitude.5. The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.6. A bird in the hand i

If there grass on the pitch sayings

Where there's grass on the pitch, play ball!

African sayings about death

1. When death finds you, may it find you alive. - African Proverb2. Death is like a palm wine tapper who never misses his aim. - African Proverb3. The death of an elder is like a library burning down. - African Proverb4. When death comes, it is as if a palm tree has fallen. - African Proverb

Sayings on hatters

1. Mad as a hatter.2. A hatter's work is never done.3. Hatters gonna hat.4. In a world full of trends, be a classic hatter.5. A good hatter knows how to top things off.6. Hatters make the world a more colorful place.7. Keep calm and wear a hat, said the hatter.8. Hatters have a way of

Banty hen sayings and quotes

1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.2. A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg. - Samuel Butler3. The early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.4. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.5. Hens make a lot of noise when they l

Sayings with sweet in them

1. Sweet dreams.2. Life is short, eat dessert first.3. Sweet as sugar.4. The sweetest things in life are free.5. Sweeten the deal.6. Sweet talk.7. Sweet tooth.8. Sweet victory.9. Sweet as honey.10. Sweeten the pot.