Baby piggy bank sayings

1. "Save your pennies for a rainy day!"

2. "Oink, oink, save and don't spend!"

3. "Watch your savings grow, little piggy!"

4. "Every penny counts, little piggy!"

5. "Savings are sweeter than slop!"

6. "Oink if you love saving money!"

7. "Feed me coins and watch me grow!"

8. "Piggy bank savings are the best kind of bacon!"

9. "Saving is a piggy's best friend!"

10. "Keep calm and save on, little piggy!"

Above is Baby piggy bank sayings.

Ring sayings for wedding

1. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.2. Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.3. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.4. Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together.

Die young sayings

1. Live fast, die young.2. Better to burn out than fade away.3. Live every day as if it's your last.4. Live for the moment.5. Carpe diem, seize the day.6. Live life to the fullest.7. Life is short, make it sweet.8. Live fast, die free.9. Live hard, die young.10. Live like there's

Nkiwi sayings

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Engagement sayings for invitations

1. Join us as we celebrate love and commitment.2. Come share in the joy of our special day.3. Together is a beautiful place to be.4. Love is in the air, come celebrate with us.5. We're getting hitched! Join us for the celebration.6. Two hearts, one love. Join us as we say 'I do'.7. Let

Spooky sayings

1. In the dead of night, the shadows come alive.2. Beware the whispers of the wind, for they may carry the voices of the departed.3. When the clock strikes midnight, the spirits roam free.4. The eyes you feel watching you in the darkness are not human.5. The old house on the hill holds secr

Sayings abt shit families

1. You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family.2. Blood is thicker than water, but sometimes water is cleaner.3. Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs.4. A dysfunctional family is like a toxic waste dump - it's best to stay away.5.

A sensible voice in the back of the mind sayings

Remember to consider all perspectives before making a decision. Take a moment to reflect on the consequences of your actions. Trust your intuition, but also rely on logic and reason. Stay grounded and maintain a sense of balance in all aspects of your life.

Cola effect on teeth doctors sayings

Dentists often caution against consuming too much cola or other sugary beverages due to the negative impact they can have on teeth. Here are some common concerns and advice from dentists regarding the effects of cola on teeth:1. **Tooth Decay**: Cola is high in sugar and acids, which can contribute

Nikkah sayings

Here are some common sayings related to the nikkah (Islamic marriage contract):1. Marriage is half of faith.2. May Allah bless this union with love and happiness.3. Two souls, one heart.4. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.5. May this marriage be a source of blessin

Month of april quotes and sayings

1. April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. - William Shakespeare2. April showers bring May flowers.3. April, come she will. - Simon & Garfunkel4. April is a promise that May is bound to keep. - Hal Borland5. April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go. - Christop