Baby shower invitations quotes sayings

1. "A little one is on the way, let's celebrate with a special day!"

2. "Join us as we shower the mom-to-be with love and gifts from above."

3. "Tiny hands and tiny feet, a new baby we can't wait to meet!"

4. "Diapers and bottles, onesies and toys, let's shower the mom-to-be with love and joy."

5. "A baby is brewing, let's shower the mom-to-be with love and good wishes."

6. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, a new baby is not too far!"

7. "Bottles, booties, diapers, and pins, this is where the fun begins!"

8. "A bundle of joy is on the way, let's celebrate with a special day!"

9. "Pink or blue, we don't know yet, but one thing's for sure, we're all set!"

10. "A baby is blooming, let's shower the mom-to-be with love and blessings."

Above is Baby shower invitations quotes sayings.

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