Bad friend poems sayings

1. "A friend who stabs you in the back is no friend at all."

2. "Fair-weather friends are like shadows, they disappear when darkness falls."

3. "Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they only stick around when it's convenient for them."

4. "A friend who talks behind your back is a friend you don't need in your life."

5. "Beware of the friend who smiles to your face but stabs you in the heart."

6. "A true friend will never betray you, but a fake friend will always find a way."

7. "A friend who only calls when they need something is not a friend, but a user."

8. "Trust is like a mirror, once broken it can never be the same. Choose your friends wisely."

9. "A friend who belittles you is no friend at all, for true friends lift you up, not tear you down."

10. "Better to have no friends than to have friends who bring you down."

Above is Bad friend poems sayings.

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