Bad friend quotes and sayings

1. "A fake friend is like a shadow. They're always close by when the sun shines, but nowhere to be seen when darkness falls."

2. "A true friend stabs you in the front, not the back. But a bad friend will stab you in the back and pretend they didn't do anything."

3. "Beware of the friend who pretends to be happy for your success but secretly envies you."

4. "A bad friend will gossip about you behind your back, while a good friend will defend you in your absence."

5. "A friend who only contacts you when they need something is not a friend at all."

6. "A bad friend will judge you for your mistakes, while a good friend will help you learn from them."

7. "Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they're there for the season but gone with the wind when it gets tough."

8. "A true friend will never try to bring you down or make you feel small. Beware of those who do."

9. "A bad friend will only be there for the good times, while a good friend will stick by your side through thick and thin."

10. "Fake friends are like a disease, they spread negativity and toxicity wherever they go."

Above is Bad friend quotes and sayings.

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