Baptism sayings for teen

1. "Let your light shine as you embark on this new journey of faith through baptism."

2. "May your baptism be a reminder of God's love and grace in your life."

3. "As you are baptized, may you always walk in the path of righteousness and faith."

4. "May your baptism be a symbol of your commitment to live a life dedicated to God."

5. "Through baptism, may you be filled with the Holy Spirit and guided by God's wisdom."

6. "Embrace your baptism as a new beginning in your spiritual journey."

7. "May your baptism be a source of strength and courage as you face life's challenges."

8. "As you are baptized, may you always feel the presence of God's love surrounding you."

9. "May your baptism be a reminder of the eternal hope and joy found in Christ."

10. "Celebrate your baptism as a milestone in your faith journey and a testament to God's grace."

Above is Baptism sayings for teen.

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