Basque sayings

Here are a few Basque sayings:

1. "Ez da beti egia, baina beti esaten da." (It's not always true, but it's always said.)

2. "Aurrera begirako, atzera begirako, baina beti aurrera egiteko." (Look forward, look back, but always move forward.)

3. "Gaua gaua da, eguna eguna." (Night is night, day is day.)

4. "Bizi garenak, gauza onak ez ditugu ahaztu." (Those who are alive should not forget the good things.)

5. "Gizonak gizon, emakumeak emakume." (Men are men, women are women.)

These sayings reflect the wisdom and cultural values of the Basque people.

Above is Basque sayings.

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