Batman sayings adam west

Here are some famous sayings from Adam West's portrayal of Batman in the 1960s TV series:

1. "To the Batmobile!"

2. "Holy [insert random object], Batman!"

3. "Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!"

4. "Quick, Robin, to the Batcave!"

5. "I'm Batman!"

6. "Crime doesn't pay, unless you're a criminal!"

7. "In the end, the good always triumphs over evil!"

8. "Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb!"

9. "A hero is measured by the size of his heart."

10. "It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."

Above is Batman sayings adam west.

Sayings for memory bears

1. A memory bear is a hug from heaven.2. Stitched with love, filled with memories.3. A bear to hold onto cherished memories.4. Every stitch tells a story.5. A bear to remember, a friend forever.6. In every stitch, a memory is kept alive.7. A memory bear is a tangible reminder of love.8

Computer backgrounds summer sayings

1. Life is better in flip flops.2. Sunshine and good vibes.3. Sandy toes and sun-kissed nose.4. Summer state of mind.5. Let the sea set you free.6. Chasing the sun.7. Salt in the air, sand in my hair.8. Happiness comes in waves.9. Summer lovin'.10. Adventure awaits.

Hard sayings of the bible

There are several challenging or hard sayings in the Bible that can be difficult to understand or accept. Here are a few examples:1. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. - Matthew 5:442. If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers an

Reality hindi sayings

1. जैसा करोगे वैसा भरोगे। (Jaisa karoge vaisa bharoge) - As you sow, so shall you reap.2. अंधों में काना राजा। (Andhon mein kana raja) - In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.3. अपना वास्तविक स्वरूप छुपाना मुश्किल है। (Apna vastavik swaroop chhupana mushkil hai) - It is difficult

Sayings used in debates

1. The pen is mightier than the sword.2. Actions speak louder than words.3. Knowledge is power.4. The end justifies the means.5. To agree to disagree.6. A picture is worth a thousand words.7. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.8. The devil is in the details.9. You can lead

Sayings about the sea

1. The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. - Jacques Cousteau2. The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. - Kate Chopin3. The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: we are all in the same boat. -

Cute nutrition sayings

1. Eat clean, stay lean.2. You are what you eat, so don't be fast, cheap, easy, or fake.3. Don't wait until you're sick to start eating healthy.4. Health is not about the weight you lose, but about the life you gain.5. Eat well, feel well, live well.6. Nourish your body, it's the only pla

Old years night sayings

1. Cheers to the past, and to the memories that will last.2. As the old year fades away, may the new year bring brighter days.3. Out with the old, in with the new, may your dreams and wishes all come true.4. Let go of the past, embrace the future, and celebrate the present.5. May the old ye

Popular old sayings

1. A penny saved is a penny earned.2. Actions speak louder than words.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.5. The early bird catches the worm.6. Haste makes waste.7. You can't judge a book by its cover.8. All good things must come to

Cookie treat sayings wedding

1. Love is sweet, enjoy a treat!2. Indulge in love and cookies!3. Sweet treats for a sweet couple.4. A cookie for your thoughts, a treat for your heart.5. Love is the icing on the cookie of life.6. Sweets for the sweetest couple.7. Take a cookie, share the love.8. Cookies and love, th