Devil sayings in latin

1. "Diabolus enim et omnes angeli eius maledicti sunt." (The devil and all his angels are cursed.)

2. "Fuge, Satana, et noli amplius audere me tentare." (Flee, Satan, and dare not tempt me further.)

3. "In nomine Diaboli, veni ad me." (In the name of the Devil, come to me.)

4. "Malum est, quod in corde Diaboli latet." (Evil is what lies in the heart of the Devil.)

5. "Daemonium est in aeternum." (The demon is eternal.)

6. "Diabolus mendax est et pater eius." (The devil is a liar and the father of lies.)

7. "Diaboli potentia in tenebris latet." (The power of the devil lies in darkness.)

8. "Per aspera ad infernum." (Through hardships to hell.)

9. "Satanas semper vigilat." (Satan is always watching.)

10. "Infernum exspectat te." (Hell awaits you.)

Above is Devil sayings in latin.

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