Battlefield 1 british voice sayings

Here are some common British voice sayings you may hear in Battlefield 1:

1. "We need to capture and hold as many objectives as possible."

2. "The enemy is gaining the upper hand, we need to turn this around."

3. "We've taken the objective, well done lads."

4. "Watch out for enemy snipers, keep your heads down."

5. "We're losing ground, we need to regroup and push back."

6. "Enemy tank spotted, take cover and prepare to engage."

7. "Stick together, we can't afford to lose this battle."

8. "Keep pushing forward, we're almost there."

9. "We've lost the objective, we need to reclaim it quickly."

10. "Enemy artillery incoming, take cover and hold your ground."

Above is Battlefield 1 british voice sayings.

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