Beautiful arabic sayings

1. "الصبر مفتاح الفرج" (Patience is the key to relief)

2. "العقل زينة الرجل" (Intelligence is the adornment of a man)

3. "الحب أعمى والزواج يفتح العيون" (Love is blind, but marriage opens the eyes)

4. "الصديق وقت الضيق" (A friend in need is a friend indeed)

5. "العلم نور" (Knowledge is light)

6. "الصدق زينة الحديث" (Truth is the beauty of speech)

7. "الحياة قصيرة، فلا تقصرها بالهم والأسى" (Life is short, so do not shorten it with worry and sorrow)

8. "العقل في رأسك، والدين في قلبك" (Intelligence is in your head, and faith is in your heart)

9. "الجمال جمال الروح" (Beauty is the beauty of the soul)

10. "الأمل آخر شيء يموت في الإنسان" (Hope is the last thing to die in a person)

Above is Beautiful arabic sayings.

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