Belated thank you note sayings

1. "Better late than never! Thank you for your kindness."

2. "I apologize for the delay, but my gratitude is sincere. Thank you!"

3. "I may be late, but my appreciation for you is always on time. Thank you!"

4. "Thank you for your patience and understanding. Your kindness means a lot to me."

5. "Even though it's belated, my gratitude for you is genuine. Thank you!"

6. "I'm sorry for the delay, but my thanks to you is heartfelt. Thank you for everything."

7. "Though delayed, my gratitude for you is unwavering. Thank you for your kindness."

8. "Please forgive the tardiness, but my thanks to you is truly heartfelt. Thank you!"

9. "I may be late in expressing it, but my gratitude for you is always present. Thank you!"

10. "Thank you for your kindness, even if my thanks is a little late. Your generosity is truly appreciated."

Above is Belated thank you note sayings.

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Get this guy a Puppers.

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