Bells sayings

Here are some sayings and phrases related to bells:

1. "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings." - from the movie "It's a Wonderful Life"

2. "As clear as a bell" - meaning something is easily understood or heard

3. "Ring the bell" - a phrase used to indicate the start or end of an event or competition

4. "The bells are ringing" - a phrase used to indicate that something significant or important is happening

5. "Saved by the bell" - a phrase meaning to be rescued or saved at the last moment

6. "Ring a bell" - a phrase meaning to sound familiar or remind someone of something

7. "Hell's bells" - an expression of surprise or frustration

8. "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way" - lyrics from the popular Christmas song "Jingle Bells"

9. "The bell tolls for thee" - a phrase indicating that death is imminent or inevitable

10. "Bells and whistles" - a phrase meaning extra features or embellishments on something

Above is Bells sayings.

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