Best cousin quotes sayings

1. "Cousins are friends that will love you forever."

2. "Cousins are connected heart to heart, distance and time can't break them apart."

3. "Cousins are like stars, you don't always see them, but you know they're always there."

4. "Cousins by blood, friends by choice."

5. "Cousins are those childhood playmates who grow up to be forever friends."

6. "Cousins are the perfect blend of childhood playmates and lifelong friends."

7. "Cousins are a little bit of childhood that can never be lost."

8. "Cousins are like siblings you never had."

9. "Cousins are the family we choose for ourselves."

10. "Cousins are the best kind of family - they are there for you through thick and thin."

Above is Best cousin quotes sayings.

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