Best friend cute quotes sayings

1. "A best friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have."

2. "Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there."

3. "A best friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you."

4. "In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips."

5. "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves."

6. "A best friend is someone who makes you laugh even when you think you'll never smile again."

7. "True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart."

8. "A best friend is someone who brings out the best in you."

9. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'"

10. "A best friend is like a sister that destiny forgot to give you."

Above is Best friend cute quotes sayings.

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