Best funny mothers day sayings

1. "Mom, thanks for putting up with a spoiled, ungrateful, messy, bratty child like my sibling. Love you!"

2. "Mom, I know I'm your favorite child. Let's keep that between us and not tell my siblings."

3. "Happy Mother's Day to the woman who gave me life and then made it a living hell. Just kidding, love you!"

4. "Mom, thanks for not selling me to the circus when I was a teenager. You're the real MVP."

5. "To the woman who birthed me, raised me, and still hasn't disowned me - Happy Mother's Day!"

6. "Mom, you're the reason I'm fabulous. And humble. Definitely humble."

7. "Thanks for not giving me up for adoption, Mom. I know it was tempting at times."

8. "Happy Mother's Day to the woman who taught me everything I know, except how to cook. Sorry about that."

9. "Mom, thanks for always being there for me, even when I was a moody teenager. You deserve a medal."

10. "To the woman who gave me life, love, and endless amounts of laundry to do - Happy Mother's Day!"

Above is Best funny mothers day sayings.

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