Better without you quotes and sayings

1. "I'm better off without you, because I've learned to love myself more than I ever loved you."

2. "Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to let go of someone who is holding you back."

3. "I may have lost you, but I found myself in the process."

4. "I don't need you to be happy, I am perfectly capable of finding joy on my own."

5. "Letting you go was the best decision I ever made, because now I am free to be who I truly am."

6. "I am stronger without you, because I have learned to rely on my own strength and resilience."

7. "You were a chapter in my life, but I closed that book and started a new one without you."

8. "I am better off without you, because I have discovered my own worth and value."

9. "I don't miss you, I miss who I was before I met you. Now I am better without you."

10. "I am grateful for the lessons you taught me, but I am even more grateful for the strength I gained when I let you go."

Above is Better without you quotes and sayings.

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