Bible coffee sayings

1. "Give me coffee to change the things I can, and the Bible to accept the things I can't."

2. "As the coffee awakens my body, let the words of the Bible awaken my soul."

3. "Just as coffee fuels my day, let the Word of God fuel my spirit."

4. "Coffee in hand, Bible in heart, ready to face the day."

5. "Sip by sip, verse by verse, finding strength in both coffee and the Word."

6. "May the aroma of coffee remind me of the sweet fragrance of God's love."

7. "Like a good cup of coffee, the Bible is best enjoyed daily."

8. "Let the warmth of coffee and the truth of the Bible fill my cup each morning."

9. "In the hustle and bustle of life, may coffee and the Bible be my moments of peace."

10. "Just as coffee jumpstarts my day, let the Bible jumpstart my faith."

Above is Bible coffee sayings.

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