Birthday and wine sayings

1. "Age and glasses of wine should never be counted." - Unknown

2. "Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it." - Anonymous

3. "Wine is sunlight, held together by water." - Galileo Galilei

4. "Wine a little, laugh a lot." - Unknown

5. "In wine, there is truth." - Pliny the Elder

6. "Wine is bottled poetry." - Robert Louis Stevenson

7. "Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages." - Louis Pasteur

8. "Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy." - Benjamin Franklin

9. "Wine is the only artwork you can drink." - Luis Fernando Olaverri

10. "Life is too short to drink bad wine." - Anonymous

Above is Birthday and wine sayings.

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