Birthday candy bar poster sayings

1. "Satisfy your sweet tooth on my birthday!"

2. "Indulge in some birthday treats with me!"

3. "Life is sweet, especially on my birthday!"

4. "Celebrate with a sweet treat on my special day!"

5. "Sweeten up my birthday with some candy bars!"

6. "Make my birthday extra sweet with candy bars!"

7. "A little bit of sugar makes my birthday even sweeter!"

8. "Life is short, eat the candy bar on my birthday!"

9. "Candy bars and birthday wishes - the perfect combination!"

10. "Forget the cake, let's celebrate with candy bars!"

Above is Birthday candy bar poster sayings.

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Islamic sayings mood

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New years sayings to friends

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Downeast maine sayings

1. You can't get there from here - This saying is often used to describe the difficulty of navigating the rural and sometimes confusing roads in Downeast Maine.2. Wicked good - A common phrase used to describe something that is really great or excellent.3. Ayuh - A classic Downeast Maine way o