Positive sayings for anxiety

1. "You are strong enough to handle whatever comes your way."

2. "This too shall pass."

3. "You are not alone in this."

4. "You have the power to overcome your fears."

5. "Take a deep breath and trust in yourself."

6. "You are capable of finding peace within yourself."

7. "Focus on the present moment, and let go of worries about the future."

8. "You are resilient and can bounce back from any challenge."

9. "Believe in your ability to conquer anxiety."

10. "You are worthy of peace and happiness."

Above is Positive sayings for anxiety.

Sayings for 80yrs old

1. Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you.2. Life begins at 80.3. Growing old is a privilege denied to many.4. At 80, you've earned the right to do and say whatever you want.5. The older you get, the better you get, unless you're a banana.6. Age is a case of min

Quran sayings of life

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Old newfoundland sayings

1. Stay where you're to till I comes where you're at. - Meaning, stay put until I come to you.2. The more you talks, the less you knows. - Implying that talking too much can reveal ignorance.3. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. - Suggesting that it's difficult to change someone's habits o

Indian patriotic sayings

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Good sayings for legally blind scooter riders

1. Blindness is not a limitation, it's just a different way of seeing the world.2. My vision may be limited, but my spirit is boundless.3. Riding with vision impairment, but navigating with determination.4. Blindness doesn't stop me from cruising through life on my scooter.5. Legally blind,

Baptism sayings for favors

1. Thank you for sharing in this special day of baptism with us.2. May this favor serve as a reminder of the blessings received on this day of baptism.3. As water cleanses and purifies, may this favor symbolize the renewal of faith in baptism.4. May the light of God's love shine through this

40th birthday card sayings for him

1. Life begins at 40 - embrace it with open arms and a full heart!2. Cheers to 40 years of wisdom, laughter, and unforgettable memories!3. You're not getting older, you're getting better! Happy 40th birthday!4. 40 is the new 30 - you're just hitting your prime!5. Here's to 40 years of being

10 most popular irish sayings

1. May the road rise up to meet you.2. Top of the morning to you.3. Luck of the Irish.4. A hundred thousand welcomes.5. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more.6. Sláinte! (Cheers!)7. May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows you're dead.8. There's no place

Flinstones sayings

Here are some popular sayings from the Flintstones cartoon:1. Yabba dabba doo! - Fred Flintstone's catchphrase2. Wilmaaaa! - Fred's call for his wife3. It's a living! - Said by Barney Rubble when he's not thrilled about his job4. Have a gay old time! - The show's closing theme song5. Bam-Ba