Black butler sebastian sayings

1. "I am simply one hell of a butler."

2. "I am a demon, not a human. I do not have feelings."

3. "I will fulfill my duty as your butler, no matter what it takes."

4. "I will protect you, my young master, at any cost."

5. "I am a shadow, the true self that you wish to hide."

6. "I will serve you until the end of time, my young master."

7. "I am a demon bound by a contract, and I will not rest until it is fulfilled."

8. "I am the perfect butler, capable of handling any task you give me."

9. "I will make sure that you achieve your goals, no matter the obstacles in our way."

10. "I am Sebastian Michaelis, and I am at your service, my young master."

Above is Black butler sebastian sayings.

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