Black sayings growing up

1. "Black don't crack" - referring to the belief that Black people age gracefully.

2. "Stay woke" - encouraging awareness and consciousness of social issues.

3. "Each one, teach one" - emphasizing the importance of passing on knowledge and wisdom within the community.

4. "We rise by lifting others" - promoting the idea of collective upliftment and support.

5. "By any means necessary" - advocating for determination and resilience in the face of challenges.

6. "Ain't no mountain high enough" - expressing the idea of overcoming obstacles and barriers.

7. "We are our ancestors' wildest dreams" - acknowledging the progress and achievements made by Black individuals in honor of their ancestors.

8. "Black excellence" - celebrating the achievements and success of Black people.

9. "We are magic" - recognizing the resilience, creativity, and strength of the Black community.

10. "Black is beautiful" - promoting self-love and pride in one's Black identity.

Above is Black sayings growing up.

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Basketball nicknames and sayings

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Deep affectionate sayings

1. You are my heart's desire, my soul's delight.2. In your arms, I have found my home.3. I love you more than words can express.4. You are the light of my life, the love of my heart.5. My love for you knows no bounds, it is infinite and eternal.6. You are my everything, my reason for bein