Bone apple teeth sayings

The correct phrase is "bon appétit," which is a French expression used to wish someone a good meal. It is often humorously misheard as "bone apple teeth" or "bone app the teeth."

Above is Bone apple teeth sayings.

Cute sayings to a lover in spanish

1. Eres mi sol en un día nublado. (You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.)2. Eres mi media naranja. (You are my other half.)3. Eres mi amor eterno. (You are my eternal love.)4. Eres mi razón de ser. (You are my reason for being.)5. Eres mi mundo entero. (You are my whole world.)6. Eres mi sueño hecho

Cute sayings for baby boy shirts about mommy loves him

1. Mommy's little prince charming2. Mommy's heart belongs to me3. Mommy's little buddy4. Mommy's love bug5. Mommy's little superhero6. Mommy's little man7. Mommy's little ray of sunshine8. Mommy's little miracle9. Mommy's little love muffin10. Mommy's little rockstar

Housewarming invitations sayings

1. Please join us as we warm our new home with love and laughter!2. Our new nest is ready for guests! Come celebrate with us at our housewarming party.3. New memories are waiting to be made in our new home. Join us for a housewarming celebration!4. Our house is now a home, and we want to shar

Float trip sayings

1. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.2. Adventure awaits, go find it.3. Collect moments, not things.4. Travel far enough, you meet yourself.5. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.6. Not all who wander are lost.7. Travel is the only th

Funny sayings about turning 70 jokes

1. At 70, you've earned the right to forget people's names and just call them 'hey you.'2. Turning 70 is like being 21, but with 49 years of experience.3. At 70, you start to realize that the only exercise you need is pushing your luck.4. They say life begins at 40, but at 70, life begins to

4th of july sayings for bulletin boards

1. Land of the free, because of the brave.2. Let freedom ring!3. Red, white, and blue - celebrating the 4th with you!4. United we stand, divided we fall.5. Stars, stripes, and fireworks - happy 4th of July!6. Home of the free, because of the brave.7. Independence Day: celebrating freedo

Dune film 1984 sayings

Here are some memorable quotes from the 1984 film adaptation of Dune:1. I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to s

Clever octopus sayings

1. I'm not just another fish in the sea, I'm an octopus with eight arms of wisdom.2. Ink-spiring intelligence is my specialty.3. I'm so good at multitasking, I can juggle eight things at once.4. I'm as slippery as an eel and as smart as a dolphin.5. I have more tricks up my sleeve... or sho

Famous wog sayings

Here are a few famous sayings that are commonly associated with people of Wog heritage:1. It's all Greek to me. - Used to express confusion or lack of understanding.2. When life gives you lemons, make souvlaki. - A humorous take on the popular saying about making the best of a bad situation.3.

Typical russian sayings

1. Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей. (Don't have a hundred rubles, have a hundred friends.)2. Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. (Better a titmouse in the hand than a crane in the sky.)3. Глаза боятся, а руки делают. (The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.)4. Кто рано встае