Bonnie and clyde love sayings

Here are some love sayings that Bonnie and Clyde might have said to each other:

1. "You and me against the world, Bonnie."

2. "I'd rob a thousand banks just to be with you, Clyde."

3. "In a world full of rules, you're the only one worth breaking them for."

4. "They may call us outlaws, but our love is the only law that matters."

5. "I'd follow you to the ends of the earth, Bonnie, just to be by your side."

6. "You're my partner in crime and in love, Clyde."

7. "With you, Bonnie, every day is an adventure worth living."

8. "Our love is like a bulletproof vest, nothing can tear us apart."

9. "They may try to separate us, but our love is stronger than any prison walls."

10. "You're the Bonnie to my Clyde, the one who completes me."

Above is Bonnie and clyde love sayings.

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