Book of mormons play sayings

Here are some popular sayings from the musical "The Book of Mormon":

1. "Turn it off, like a light switch."

2. "I believe that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people."

3. "Hello! My name is Elder Price."

4. "Hasa Diga Eebowai" (translated as "F*** you, God" in the show)

5. "You're making things up again, Arnold!"

6. "I am Africa, just like Bono!"

7. "Baptize me, and you'll be forgiven!"

8. "Sal Tlay Ka Siti" (translated as "Salt Lake City" in the show)

9. "I am a Mormon, and dang it, a Mormon just believes!"

10. "Tomorrow is a latter day."

These are just a few of the memorable lines and lyrics from "The Book of Mormon" musical.

Above is Book of mormons play sayings.

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