Book of old sayings

There are many books that compile old sayings and proverbs from various cultures and traditions. Some popular ones include:

1. "Bartlett's Familiar Quotations" by John Bartlett

2. "The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs" edited by Jennifer Speake

3. "The Yale Book of Quotations" edited by Fred R. Shapiro

4. "The Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs" by Rosalind Fergusson

5. "The Book of Positive Quotations" by John Cook

These books contain a wealth of wisdom and insight from different time periods and cultures, making them a valuable resource for anyone interested in old sayings and proverbs.

Above is Book of old sayings.

Rafa nadal favourite spanish sayings on court

1. ¡Vamos! - This is a common expression used by Nadal to pump himself up and encourage himself during a match. It translates to Let's go! in English.2. Siempre luchando - Nadal often uses this phrase, which means Always fighting, to convey his determination and fighting spirit on the court.

Millionaires sayings quotes

1. The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment. - Tony Robbins2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer3. The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is c

Sayings about ice queen

1. She had a heart as cold as ice, and a beauty that could freeze the sun.2. Beware the ice queen, for her frosty demeanor hides a heart of stone.3. She ruled with an icy grip, her subjects trembling in fear of her frosty wrath.4. In the kingdom of the ice queen, love melted like snowflakes i

Cleverpumpkim sayings

1. Don't be afraid to stand out in a crowd, just like a pumpkin in a patch.2. Life is gourd, embrace the twists and turns like a pumpkin vine.3. When life gets tough, just remember, you're as strong as a pumpkin shell.4. Let your light shine bright, just like a carved pumpkin on Halloween nig

Lev haikyuu sayings

1. The only ones who can stop me are those who are standing at the top, or those who are climbing to reach the top.2. Don't need to talk about it. The court is where we settle it.3. The stronger the opponent, the more fun it is.4. If you're going to hit it, hit it until it breaks.5. The onl

Colombian spanish sayings

1. Más vale tarde que nunca - Better late than never2. A buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan - A word to the wise is enough3. Quien mucho abarca, poco aprieta - Jack of all trades, master of none4. No hay mal que por bien no venga - Every cloud has a silver lining5. Camarón que se duerme

Empanada sayings

1. Life is better with empanadas.2. Empanadas are the key to my heart.3. Empanadas make everything better.4. Happiness is a warm empanada.5. In empanadas we trust.6. Empanadas: the perfect comfort food.7. Love at first bite: empanadas.8. Empanadas are a little piece of heaven.9. Emp

Best sayings from schitt's creek

1. I like the wine, not the label.2. You get murdered first for being the quirky best friend.3. I'm trying very hard not to connect with people right now.4. I'm incapable of faking sincerity.5. I'm very capable of faking interest.6. I'm not one for emotions, but I do have a lot of them.7

Cute love pinot noir sayings

1. Love is like a good Pinot Noir, it gets better with time.2. Sipping Pinot Noir with you is my favorite way to spend an evening.3. You're the Pinot Noir to my wine glass - smooth, elegant, and always a delight.4. In a world full of choices, I'll always choose you and a glass of Pinot Noir.

Teamwork makes the dream work and other sayings

1. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. - Helen Keller2. Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. - Henry Ford3. Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. - Andrew Carnegie4. The strength of the tea