Brass pin sayings

1. "A pin is mightier than a sword."

2. "Stick a pin in it."

3. "Pin it to win it."

4. "Sharp as a pin."

5. "In a pin's eye."

6. "Pin your hopes on it."

7. "A pin in time saves nine."

8. "Pin it down."

9. "Not worth a pin."

10. "Pin your dreams on the stars."

Above is Brass pin sayings.

Sayings for getting in trouble

1. I'm in hot water.2. I've really stepped in it this time.3. I've landed myself in the doghouse.4. I've crossed the line.5. I've dug myself into a hole.6. I've made a mess of things.7. I've got some explaining to do.8. I've got some serious damage control to do.9. I've really put m

Front door sayings about

1. Home is where the heart is.2. Welcome to our happy place.3. Enter as strangers, leave as friends.4. Bless this home with love and laughter.5. Home sweet home.6. Love lives here.7. May all who enter as guests, leave as friends.8. This is our happy place.9. A house is made of walls

Sayings debate with a fool

Engaging in a debate with a fool is like trying to teach a fish to climb a tree - it's a futile exercise that only leads to frustration.

Apologetic quotes and sayings

1. I am sorry for being so difficult to love.2. I apologize for my mistakes, I am only human.3. I am sorry for the pain I have caused, I never meant to hurt you.4. I regret my actions and I am truly sorry for the consequences.5. I apologize for my words, they were spoken in haste and withou

Funny southern sayings about being crazy

1. Crazier than a road lizard on a hot tin roof.2. Crazy as a runover coon in a chicken coop.3. Crazy as a peach orchard boar.4. Crazier than a sack full of bobcats.5. Crazy as a sprayed roach in a chicken coop.6. Crazy as a junebug in a bottle of moonshine.7. Crazier than a possum in a

Chinese number sayings chinese new year

1. 一帆风顺 (yī fān fēng shùn) - May everything go smoothly.2. 二龙戏珠 (èr lóng xì zhū) - Two dragons playing with a pearl, symbolizing good luck and prosperity.3. 三阳开泰 (sān yáng kāi tài) - Three suns bring great fortune.4. 四季平安 (sì jì píng ān) - Peace and safety throughout the four seasons.5. 五福临

Jamaican sayings and meanings

1. No problem man - This phrase is used to indicate that everything is okay or that there is no issue.2. Every mickle mek a muckle - This saying means that small amounts can add up to a large amount over time.3. Likkle more - This phrase is used to say goodbye or see you later.4. One one coco

Sri sathya sai sayings

Here are a few sayings attributed to Sri Sathya Sai Baba:1. Love all, serve all.2. Help ever, hurt never.3. Start the day with love, fill the day with love, end the day with love. This is the way to God.4. The end of wisdom is freedom.5. Your duty is to pray for the welfare of the world.6.

Funny goat sayings

1. I'm not kidding around, I'm a goat!2. I'm the G.O.A.T - Greatest of All the pasture.3. I'm feeling bleat-tastic today!4. I'm not just a pretty face, I've goat skills!5. I'm on the lam...literally.6. I'm not one to kid around, but I do love a good joke.7. I'm the G.O.A.T. -

Favourite quotes or sayings

1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs2. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take. - Unknown3. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer4. The on