Brazilian sayings slang

1. "Dar um jeitinho" - This saying translates to "finding a way" or "making it work." It is often used to describe the Brazilian tendency to find creative solutions to problems.

2. "Pagar mico" - This phrase means to embarrass oneself or make a fool of oneself in front of others.

3. "Ficar de boa" - This slang term means to relax or chill out. It is often used to describe someone who is laid back and easygoing.

4. "Cair na gandaia" - This saying means to go out and have a good time, usually involving dancing and partying.

5. "Matar a cobra e mostrar o pau" - This expression means to take action and show evidence of what has been done. It is often used to describe someone who follows through on their promises.

6. "Ficar de olho" - This phrase means to keep an eye on something or someone, often used in a suspicious or vigilant context.

7. "Quebrar o galho" - This saying means to help out or lend a hand when needed. It is often used to describe someone who comes to the rescue in a difficult situation.

8. "Deixar rolar" - This slang term means to go with the flow or let things happen naturally without trying to control the outcome.

9. "Fazer a cabeça" - This expression means to influence or persuade someone, often used in the context of convincing someone to do something.

10. "Pé de chinelo" - This slang term is used to describe someone who is cheap or stingy.

Above is Brazilian sayings slang.

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