British seaside sayings

1. "Don't get your knickers in a twist" - Don't get upset or worried

2. "Mind the gap" - Be careful of the space between the train and the platform

3. "It's blowing a gale" - It's very windy

4. "The sun's got his hat on" - It's a sunny day

5. "Don't be a wet blanket" - Don't spoil the fun

6. "Spend a penny" - Go to the toilet

7. "Bob's your uncle" - There you go, it's done

8. "Happy as a clam" - Very happy and content

9. "Seagulls follow the trawler" - A reference to a famous quote by footballer Eric Cantona, meaning people will follow you if you lead

10. "Life's a beach" - A play on the phrase "life's a b*tch," meaning to relax and enjoy life

Above is British seaside sayings.

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Latvia sayings

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Friendship distance sayings

1. True friendship knows no distance.2. Distance means so little when someone means so much.3. Distance cannot diminish true friendship.4. Even miles apart, true friends are always close at heart.5. Distance may separate us, but our friendship will always remain strong.6. Friendship knows