Broken friendship quotes sayings

1. "Sometimes the strongest friendships break because they were built on a weak foundation."

2. "A broken friendship can be mended, but the cracks will always show."

3. "When a friendship breaks, it's like a mirror shattering. You can try to piece it back together, but it will never be the same."

4. "The saddest thing about a broken friendship is that you can never go back to the way things were."

5. "A friendship that can be broken was never truly strong to begin with."

6. "It's better to have no friends than to have fake friends who will eventually break your heart."

7. "A broken friendship is like a shattered vase - even if you glue it back together, the cracks will always be visible."

8. "The pain of a broken friendship is like a wound that never fully heals."

9. "When a friendship breaks, it's like losing a piece of yourself that you can never get back."

10. "Sometimes the hardest part of a broken friendship is realizing that you were the only one trying to hold it together."

Above is Broken friendship quotes sayings.

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