Mothers day card sayings religious

1. "Her children arise and call her blessed." - Proverbs 31:28

2. "Thank you, Lord, for the gift of a mother who reflects your love and grace."

3. "A mother's love is a reflection of God's love for us."

4. "Blessed is the mother who walks with God."

5. "Thank you, Mom, for teaching me to walk in faith and love."

6. "God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers."

7. "A mother's love is a glimpse of the love of God."

8. "Thank you, Lord, for the mother who has shown me your unconditional love."

9. "God's love shines through a mother's heart."

10. "Thank you, Mom, for guiding me in the ways of faith and love."

Above is Mothers day card sayings religious.

Mga car sayings

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Sayings for little girls room

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Printable sayings for cards

1. Sending you love and light during this difficult time.2. You are stronger than you know. Keep fighting.3. May peace and comfort surround you in your time of need.4. Thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way.5. You are not alone. We are here for you.6. Wishing you strength and

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Ogham sayings

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1. Work hard, have fun, make history.2. It's always Day 1.3. Customer obsession.4. Invent and simplify.5. Think big.6. Deliver results.7. Bias for action.8. Learn and be curious.9. We are all owners.10. Disagree and commit.