Broken record sayings

1. "Like a broken record"

2. "Beating a dead horse"

3. "Same old song and dance"

4. "Groundhog Day"

5. "Spinning your wheels"

6. "Stuck in a rut"

7. "Going around in circles"

8. "Running in place"

9. "Repeating like a broken record"

10. "Caught in a loop"

Above is Broken record sayings.

Love painful quotes and sayings

1. The heart was made to be broken. - Oscar Wilde2. Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for ends up being the one behind the gun. - Unknown3. The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten. - William Faulkner4. Love is lik

Cosa nostra sayings

Here are some famous sayings associated with the Italian-American Mafia, also known as the Cosa Nostra:1. Omertà is a code of silence, never rat on your friends. - This saying emphasizes the importance of loyalty and keeping secrets within the Mafia.2. Keep your friends close, but your enemies

Funny raising cane's sayings

1. Raising Cane's: Where the chicken is always a-peeling!2. Can't handle the sauce? You're in for a cluck of a time!3. Our chicken tenders are so good, they'll make you do the chicken dance!4. Raising Cane's: The only place where you can lick your fingers and not be judged.5. Love at first

Common northern english sayings

1. Howay man - Come on, let's go2. Aye, pet - Yes, dear3. By 'eck - An expression of surprise or disbelief4. Champion - Excellent or great5. Ee bah gum - An expression of surprise or shock6. Nowt - Nothing7. Owt - Anything8. Tha's reet grand - That's really good9. Put wood in't hole

Family quotes and sayings tumblr

Here are some family quotes and sayings that you may find on Tumblr:1. Family is not an important thing, it's everything. - Michael J. Fox2. Family is where life begins and love never ends.3. The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.4. Family: where life begins and love never ends.5.

Desperate man sayings

1. I'm at the end of my rope.2. I'm running out of options.3. I'm in over my head.4. I'm at my wit's end.5. I'm in a tight spot.6. I'm in a real bind.7. I'm in a desperate situation.8. I'm backed into a corner.9. I'm feeling hopeless.10. I'm in dire straits.

Blowing bubbles sayings

1. Life is like blowing bubbles, sometimes they burst but we can always make more.2. Don't let your worries burst your bubble of happiness.3. Just like bubbles, our dreams may seem fragile but with the right mindset, they can soar high.4. Blow bubbles of kindness and watch them spread joy eve

Funny sayings about humility

1. Humility is like underwear; essential, but best kept hidden.2. I'm so humble, I make Mother Teresa look like Kanye West.3. I'm so humble, I bow to my own shadow.4. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less...but I'm pretty great at it.5. I'm so humble, I o

Dr devi shetty best sayings for every problem there

1. In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Dr. Devi Shetty2. Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.3. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.4. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the k

Funny sayings about fishing

1. Fishing: the art of pretending to be doing something productive while actually just sitting around waiting for a fish to bite.2. I fish because punching people is frowned upon.3. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll spend all his money on gear he doesn't n