Buddhist sayings after bowing

1. "May all beings be happy. May all beings be free from suffering."

2. "In gratitude and humility, I bow to the Buddha within you."

3. "May my actions today bring peace and compassion to all beings."

4. "With each bow, may I cultivate mindfulness and compassion in my heart."

5. "May I walk the path of enlightenment with sincerity and dedication."

6. "May my bowing be a gesture of respect and gratitude for all that is."

7. "May my practice of bowing deepen my connection to the present moment."

8. "In bowing, may I let go of ego and embrace the interconnectedness of all beings."

9. "May my bowing be a reminder of the impermanence of all things."

10. "With each bow, may I awaken to the true nature of reality."

Above is Buddhist sayings after bowing.

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