Bunny game sayings

1. "Hop to it and catch those carrots!"

2. "Don't be a scaredy bunny, jump over that obstacle!"

3. "Bounce your way to victory!"

4. "Carrot power! Eat them all for a high score!"

5. "Hippity hoppity, dodge those traps!"

6. "Faster than a speeding bunny!"

7. "Hop, skip, and jump your way through the levels!"

8. "Bunny ears up, ready to conquer the game!"

9. "Watch out for the foxes, they're after your carrots!"

10. "Bunny-tastic moves, keep going and don't stop!"

Above is Bunny game sayings.

Hebrew sayings for headstones

1. זכר צדיק לברכה - The memory of the righteous is a blessing.2. תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים - May his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life.3. יהי זכרו ברוך - May his memory be a blessing.4. תנצבה - May his/her soul be bound up in the bundle of life.5. עליו השלום - May peace be upon

Pope leo xiii sayings

Here are some notable sayings attributed to Pope Leo XIII:1. The world has heard enough of the so-called 'rights of man.' Let it hear something of the rights of God.2. True freedom is not the freedom to do what we want, but the freedom to do what we ought.3. The ultimate goal of all human activ

Sayings about building bricks and morter

1. A strong foundation is built brick by brick.2. Brick by brick, we lay the path to our dreams.3. In the game of life, build your castle with bricks, not sticks.4. The strength of a building lies in its bricks and mortar.5. With each brick laid, a new chapter is written in the story of our

Famous maltese sayings

1. L-ewwel tnejn, it-tieni jaf. (The first knows, the second doesn't)2. Il-ħajja ma tistax tkun dejjem roża. (Life cannot always be a bed of roses)3. Il-ħsara tkun dejjem iktar minn it-tfajla. (Damage is always greater than the gain)4. Il-ħobż u l-għatba ma jħobżux fl-istess ħin. (Bread and

Loss of a grandchild quotes and sayings

1. A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.2. The loss of a grandchild is like losing a piece of your heart that you never knew existed.3. A grandchild's love is a precious gift, and the loss of that love is immeasurable.4. A grandchild may only be a part of you

Short winter sayings for signs

1. Let it snow!2. Baby, it's cold outside.3. Winter wonderland.4. Warm wishes for a cold season.5. Snowflakes are kisses from heaven.6. Hot cocoa weather.7. Chill out and enjoy the season.8. Winter is snow much fun!9. Cold hands, warm heart.10. Embrace the frosty magic.

Funny barre sayings

1. I do barre because punching people is frowned upon.2. Sweat is just fat crying during barre class.3. Barre: where shaking is encouraged and pain is just weakness leaving the body.4. I barre so I can eat more pizza.5. Barre: where your legs feel like Jell-O but your confidence soars.6.

Wise sayings about joy

1. Joy is not in things; it is in us. - Richard Wagner2. The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. - E.E. Cummings3. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. - Dalai Lama4. Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. - Karl Barth5. The more you praise and

Navy sayings hooah

Hooah is actually a term commonly used by the Army, not the Navy. In the Navy, the equivalent term is Hooyah. It is used as a motivational cheer or expression of enthusiasm and determination.

Tasmanian sayings

1. She'll be right, mate. - Everything will be okay in the end.2. Fair dinkum! - An expression of surprise or disbelief.3. Flat out like a lizard drinking. - Very busy or working hard.4. You beauty! - An expression of excitement or approval.5. Strewth! - An expression of shock or amazement