Cake idioms and sayings

1. "Piece of cake" - something that is very easy to do

2. "Have your cake and eat it too" - to want or have two good things that are usually mutually exclusive

3. "The icing on the cake" - something that makes a good situation even better

4. "Let them eat cake" - a phrase attributed to Marie Antoinette, implying a lack of understanding or empathy for the poor

5. "Cakewalk" - an easy task or situation

6. "You can't have your cake and eat it too" - you can't have everything you want, especially if those things are contradictory

7. "A piece of the pie" - a share of something, often referring to profits or benefits

8. "As easy as pie" - very easy to do

9. "The cake is a lie" - a phrase from a video game, meaning that a promised reward is not real or unattainable

10. "Let them eat cake" - a phrase attributed to Marie Antoinette, implying a lack of understanding or empathy for the poor.

Above is Cake idioms and sayings.

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