Cake sayings for baby boy shower

1. "Oh Boy! It's a sweet little joy!"

2. "Little man, big dreams, and lots of cake!"

3. "Sugar, spice, and everything nice for this little prince!"

4. "Welcome to the world, little one. Let's eat cake!"

5. "A little man is on the way, let's celebrate with cake today!"

6. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, now we know who you are! Let's have some cake!"

7. "Blue or pink, what do you think? Let's eat cake and have a drink!"

8. "Cakes and giggles for our little prince!"

9. "Tiny hands and tiny feet, let's celebrate with cake so sweet!"

10. "It's a boy, oh what joy! Let's eat cake and make some noise!"

Above is Cake sayings for baby boy shower.

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