Called so i hung up quotes and sayings

1. "Sometimes the best response is no response."

2. "Silence is the best response to a fool."

3. "When someone calls you and you don't answer, they'll realize you're busy. When you call them back, they'll realize you're not."

4. "Don't waste your words on people who deserve your silence."

5. "Silence speaks when words can't."

6. "The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury."

7. "Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all."

8. "Actions speak louder than words, but silence speaks volumes."

9. "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

10. "Silence is a source of great strength."

Above is Called so i hung up quotes and sayings.

Best detective sayings

1. The devil is in the details.2. Trust your instincts, they usually lead you in the right direction.3. Every puzzle has a solution, you just have to find it.4. The truth may be hidden, but it can never be destroyed.5. A good detective knows when to follow the evidence and when to follow th

Second chances sayings

1. Every moment is a fresh beginning. - T.S. Eliot2. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. - Henry Ford3. It's never too late to be what you might have been. - George Eliot4. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. - Unknown5. Life always offers you

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1. I volunteer because I have a lot of free time... said no volunteer ever.2. I volunteer because I like to live life on the edge... of exhaustion.3. Volunteering: where the only payment is a warm fuzzy feeling and maybe some free snacks.4. I volunteer so I can add 'professional do-gooder' to

Positive covid sayings

1. Together, we will overcome this challenge.2. In unity, there is strength.3. We are resilient and will emerge stronger from this.4. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth.5. We are all in this together, supporting each other.6. Even in difficult times, there is always hope.7. We

Consumerism quotes sayings

1. The things you own end up owning you. - Chuck Palahniuk2. We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like. - Dave Ramsey3. The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. - Robert Swan4. Simplicity is the ultimate sophist

Lumberjack sayings

1. Timber!2. Chop chop!3. Swing low, swing hard.4. Axe to grind.5. Branching out.6. Sawing through the day.7. In the woods, I feel at home.8. Logging miles and smiles.9. Barking up the right tree.10. Keep calm and log on.

Mandala quotes and sayings

1. The mandala is a symbol of the universe, a microcosm of the world within ourselves. - Carl Jung2. In the mandala, we see the interconnectedness of all things, the unity of the universe. - Unknown3. The mandala is a reflection of our innermost self, a mirror of our soul. - Unknown4. As we c

Fake friends sayings

1. I'll always be there for you. (But never actually shows up when you need them)2. You can trust me with anything. (But spreads your secrets behind your back)3. We're like family. (But only reaches out when they need something)4. I've got your back. (But is quick to betray you when it benef

Bad ass sayings to send someone home from work

1. Time to clock out, champ. The day's over for you.2. Pack up your things, it's time to hit the road.3. The office is closing, and so are your chances of staying late.4. You've put in your hours, now it's time to bounce.5. Workday's done, time to go have some fun.6. You've done your duty

Punjabi sayings about food

1. Jithe khadde, othe vaddiyan gallan. (Where there is food, there are great conversations.)2. Khao piyo aish karo, mitro. (Eat, drink, and enjoy life, my friends.)3. Khaana peena te maza aana. (Eating and drinking brings joy.)4. Roti, kapda, makaan te khaana. (Food is one of the essentials