Callicles quotes and sayings

Callicles was a character in Plato's dialogue "Gorgias" who represented the view of might makes right and the pursuit of self-interest above all else. Here are some quotes and sayings attributed to Callicles:

1. "The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

2. "Justice is the interest of the stronger."

3. "It is natural for the weak to be dominated by the strong."

4. "The wise man does not seek to be just, but to be powerful."

5. "The true measure of a man is his ability to dominate others."

6. "Virtue is just a mask for weakness."

7. "Morality is a tool of the weak to control the strong."

8. "The pursuit of pleasure and power is the only true path to happiness."

9. "Those who follow conventional morality are slaves to the opinions of others."

10. "The only law that matters is the law of nature, which dictates that the strong rule over the weak."

Above is Callicles quotes and sayings.

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